No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 8/8/2006 12:02:47 AM


I now have a bunch of banners. Am still making more since its going to rotate and all I want it to feel original everytime you enter the site. I also want to do some hand made stuff aside from the CPU stuff I've been doing. Its all based on old art right now and a little new stuff too, so I still want some hand drawn stuff thats recent and original-made just for the banners (even if its black and white.).

Ive wasted alot of days and am going to try to catch up on all my projects. Whats holding my painting back is my lack of small brush. I buy em cheap, so my rough treatment kills them early into the works. The comic stuff is waiting for a new scanner, but money has been tight these past two months. Then the CPU stuff takes too long becouse I do it all with a mouse. At least now I've been doing it wil an optic one instead of the ball. Not that I dont like the ball, its just that its a hassel when the damn thing gets dirty (especially around my work desk...)

Guess thats a good enough update on stuff. I await the others in their ranting goodness.

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