No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 11/6/2005 1:19:36 PM

Well after I found out the site was back, I tried ranting to no avail. Seems that there were more problems than we even though.

Anywho, Josh made the fix and here I am ranting once more. On some new stuff, SamNin already has been set with three new episodes, and I'm already preparing the fourth. Despite this progress, I can't do a single thing if no one shows up fo the meetings. Storyboard#1 is ready for auditing, but it won't matter if no one is there to audit!!

Oi... Ofcoarse the meeting went on with just me and Josh. Blahbbed for a while, redesigned our timeline on a more streamlined program, and ate pizza (Josh and his anchovies... Uggg). I took the initiative and decided to start scanning some art work (finished or not) so that I didnt just sit in his house for hours. Serai was also supposed to attend, at least thats was what Josh had let me know, but there were changes in plans that Jorge still isn't aware of.

Jasser and Andre? Who knows...

Funny story...

Josh had already pulled out to attend to his buisness later that afternoon, and I was getting back into traffic, when my car just stops. "No problem" I think, usually if this happens I put her in neutral and start her again. I've even done it while moving. So I start her and nothing... I try again and nothing. I look over to the left and I see traffic heading my way. "Bail out!" I get out of the car and start pushing it back into Josh's townhome parking. Unfortunately the damn things on an incline.

So there I am, struggling to push the car up the driveway, in front of passer-byers. Not fun. If I were to stop pushing, the damn thing would have rolled me into oncoming traffic. Anywho, I finally bruised my arm into going over the sidewalk (goddamn toyota is heavier than I thought), then she starts rolling down the parking. Jorge had to do some crazy ass jump to get into the car and slam the damn brakes... I put it in parking and sat there for like 10 minutes to catch my breath...

The shit I do for SAMNIN...

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