No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 7/28/2005 11:45:21 PM

Although Ive already got my meeting set up for this friday, I'm not sure if I can be ready for a JR Project group meeting.

Since NGEARS is practically a solo act on my part, and Josh's comment on their being no story line [which isnt true at all], Ive been coming out with a large amount of art for the series. Unfortunately, new SAMNIN art hasn't been available. I promised myself that Id bring some visuals for the next meeting, but NGEARS has taking the spot light on my drawing time. I'll try to put some art together thats corresponding with our current work but its gonna be iffy.

To the least, I'm well stocked on everything, and I do plan to run some drills with Jasser on inking.Until next time, Sanitario yall!!

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