No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 1/2/2008 10:18:16 AM
Hello one, hello all. It's been a while since we've seen some action here on the site, but it's not to say that we're inactive offline. There is actual confirmed progress on the story and written material. I'm actually getting a bit excited myself, having been onboard with the project since inception back in 2004. There are a few new ideas being rolled out for the launch of the story, but the launch will likely not come for another X number of months.

Yesterday, the first, most of the group got together and we started a small festical in my (now empty) living room. After about $50 well spent on food goods, I was able to prepare a late breakfast for everyone and then later nearing the evening a "yum, yum, scrumcious, deliumcious, very tasty" supper for all with a recipe that I have had in the works for some time now. I was ill equipped as far as deep bowls were concerned, which I really needed for the type of meal, and if I had more time I could have improved the flavor of other ingredients, but it went rather well. All I have to make certain of now is that no one finds out that I can cook.

The banner above represents our topic of the day, all of us being very excited to finally see the anime on our minds. I think we were pleased with the show as it was all the gag and zaniest material I've seen yet, lots of pervertity too. I hope to setup another such event once again in the future, perhaps we can make this a monthly event; that would be really fun.

I hope to get updates of story online soon, now that I am more willing to share my material with everyone, but until then I'll say "bai bai" for now.

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