No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 12/11/2005 3:25:35 AM
I write to you all from Brickell, where I have spent my day since... 2:30PM yesterday afternoon. I'm feeling quite peachy, have made some interesting things over here. I've spent this whole time, up until now, preparing a presentation that will be taking place soon [kinda hush, hush as far as this audience is concerned]. So I've worked with a handful of powerpoint presentations, PDF brochures, CDs and their corresponding labels, etc., etc...

So now, I'm taking some time to get my mind off the fact that I've not eaten since lunch yesterday with Jon Gonzalez [worry not who he is, it is inconsequential to this story]. However, I find that I've got a bit of a problem seeing as how I've got nothing to write.

Saturday, initially, I wanted to have my meeting of the founding fathers, but unfortunately I couldn't get in touch with Jasser for some two or three days now and this thing came up [so it probably would have gotten cut short, not to say that what I've got would take very long]. I must demand this meeting as there are some pressing matters I must discuss with the founding fathers. Rest assured, there my meeting will happen and, more importantly, soon.

Well, maybe we'll have a group meeting soon, all the same. Hope you guys are enjoying the new page [Caffeine] I added as well as the latest addition to our RSS feeds collection: daily Wired news updates.

That's all from me, signing off. I just heard David say: "I am braindead," after not being able to remember where he placed the labels...

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