No Seppuku Allowed

Post Date: 3/16/2005 12:25:06 AM
Damnit! Now I guess since we're going down the list its my damn turn to rant. This sucks. Well I'm doing pretty good, work is aight since all I've really been doing is building walls and running electricity in the new warehouse. It may seem hard to you guys but I'm into that kind of stuff. School's cool. Jorge owes me fifty bucks which is pretty cool. I got to work at Calle Ocho on Sunday and I'm still tired as hell but it was worth it. I made a hundred bucks and there was booty at every turn. Hey c'mon im still only 19. Hopefully we can get the film off the ground, but I need some more practice with the katana before moving on the the shirasaya. My fingers still kinda feel it. Oh yeah you guys and whomever reads this should go to the movies and see "Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior." It's the shizznit. Oh well I think thats long enough for this late at night.

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