Josh <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 12/6/2005 10:34:26 AM Message: As far as your comment for Jasser in regard to women, I believe it to be cold, but terribly true and so I say: "good call." In regards to your comment about coffee... you stinking bastard, I don't give a damn who you are. I've decided to create a new page [which is already linked on the menu bar] that will teach you the truth about coffee because I can see that you're going astray and you're on the path of destuction. I am here to save your soul, Jorge; worry not, for I am your friend. Check the menu bar and you'll see the new link. For the meeting, I'll start making calls and make the effort. If you so wish to have a 'Josh-ensured meeting,' then so be it. I'll confirm with you the date and time. That is all. Jorge <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 11/14/2005 12:54:16 PM Message: As far as productivity, I've only got past meetings to compare to, and I guess since story is a little more solid, it can only mean more meaningfull meeting(say that five times fast). On the subject of Chibbi's, I'm still getting to work on them, if they'll be used for ranting or otherwise, but they want em... I agree with Josh that we're probably not going to meet the deadline at this pace. We barely got any dialogue ready for issue one, I'm however going to begin making the real drawings. Josh I'd like to discusse with you our method of making a page, which I decided to do the art by panels. I want you to be sure on how we can do it, how effective it will be, and how much time will it consume (time isn't our friend right now). Another thing is assignments, if you can schedual meetings and prepare the agenda, then you can also give assignments for the other members... On that note, Jasser I will be expecting those drawings Inked and ready for my approval by next meeting. You've got my pencils so use them well, becouse I've got alot of work to do and I require them. As for Dre, I'm going to give him some assignments to see how he does as well. Finally, I want your feedback on the story so far... That includes the direction that I've taken things from #1 to #5. Also, any other suggestions on #6+... Oh and if you want to suggest some possible art work for Mr. Otaku that we can use to promote SAMNIN then please let me know! November is already here, and deadlines are just around the corner. If you guys cooperate with each other, we can meet them or even surpass them with more work. Thanks again to all the members of JRproject group on their work with the comic ^_^! Joruji out... Jasser <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 4/4/2004 11:03:10 PM Message: Hey, its first post. Well you guys all know me as the wanna-be samurai, although i think i could beat josh in a duel. I admit though Jorge has me on the drawing thing. haha well later Dre <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM Message: Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes. We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account. -Josh |