No Seppuku Allowed

Josh  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 3/3/2006 4:24:47 PM
A busy Josh is a [I like to think, more or less] happy Josh, so you must imagine that I'm pumpin' endorphins out of my ears.

As of late, I've had much work on my hands. Last month I spent some five days at an auction buying some heavy equipment and got pretty badly burned [people were amused by the almost 'ganguro' color I'd attained]; I'm still peeling at my forearms. I've also got a special surprise I'd been keeping to myself till recently. I've acquired yet another server [this one's stationed out in Iowa, nothing is ever gonna happen to it there] and I've spent this time preparing it. I'm 'bout ready to take on my big projects now... Meco, Josh Ricart, and Mr. Otaku [all of which will benefit and feed off each other's developments]. What makes me most happy is the fact that after so many years I'll finally be able to do with the site what I initially intended. Expect some uber-fantabulous features and changes to the site in the next quarter [w00t].

We've been trying to get the story moving again and it's been a bit slow. I confess that I'm probably the one to blame for this, my lack of focus leaves room for everyone else to slack off. They may have flaked out on me for January's meeting, but I sure didn't let February's mandatory meeting go by. Episode 1 is not completely revised and Jorge seems to think that he's gonna have to re/write another version of it, but it's in the works nonetheless. We're obviously way off track as to where we wanted to be, but at least we're a bit closer. I'm gonna have to talk to Jorge more about getting this last screenplay out of the way so he can get to drawin' out the storyboard.

I also wanted to talk about Jasser latest adventures [this past Monday]. You see, Jasser decided to take one for the team. If you all notice on one of the banners Jorge has drawn Jasu with a scar on his cheek. Jasser, the good sport he is, decided to take it upon himself to make that image more realistic. He took his [old, {I'm sure it was haunted} beat-up] car and wrapped it around a tree with him in it. Of course you could imagine it would take a manuever or two to get that to work just right. If I'm not mistaken, the passenger seat was on the driver's seat and Jasser was somewhere in the backseat. Sure enough, this technique Jasser employed gave him that scar on the cheek; only problem is that it's on the wrong side [but it's okay Jasser, I won't make you do it again, we'll just mirror the drawing]. So we appreciate and commend you on your dedication to this cause and we'll do something nice for you at the group's award ceremony [some time during never].

That's all from me for now. Another update will be posted in due time.

Jorge  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 12/5/2005 11:35:47 PM

Well, Josh - Currently... My weekends are yours, so pick a time you want, and do it soon.

I've lately been having trouble focusing my attention on the comic. New ideas and art work have been constantly worked on, but even with a semi finished script and story board, I'm not ready to start the final work. I think this is mostly due to that fact that were only partly ready. The story board has been reviewd, but the script isn't finished, and since I'm currently the only one who has reviewed what we have in a whole...

Ugg, This is what I'm going to do. Next meeting, after we set aside all the important stuff, and finish the dialogue, then I want a full review of what the finished work will portray. I've looked at this, and I feel like I might want to add a prologue episode. Nothing as grand as the first, but something to set the SAMNIN mood better. This is partly due to Josh's request for revisal on the "rules of the univers". I think it needs establishment early in the game. Then there are other problems regarding character colors [dre's request], and backstory that I want to add...oi

The real problem is that it would take quite the meeting for me to satisfy all my questions and discussions. Our record on meetings says this might be impossible. Josh, if you can, I'm requesting one of your "I'm Josh and this meeting better go well or heads will roll" kind of attitude for the next one. Dunno about everyone else, but I'm in need of it.

Soon this artist's self-torture-o-meter shall be on the rise, I'm being employed again. This roughly cuts my sleep time a good 75% less than usual. I'm already feeling the fatigue and its the first day on the job. Anywho, I'm going to try my best not to let this impede on my work with JR projects and SAMNIN. Still, Josh know I can't juggle tasks well, and now with school coming to its finals... OI!

Currently Jorge has this schedual:

7:00AM -3:00PM Work

7:05PM-8:25PM School[math]


7:00AM -3:00PM Work


7:00AM -3:00PM Work

7:05PM-8:25PM School[math]


7:00AM -3:00PM Work

8:30PM-10:50PM School[Sociology]


7:00AM -3:00PM Work


10AM PFS Class


Jees, don't know why I bothered with that, killed like 20 minutes on that for probably nothing to gain. Well inbetween all that stuff, I manage to fit; drawing, script writing, idea and brainstorming, studying for my Life license, Studying for Finals, peeing, hangin out with the SAMNIN crew, Josh's random appearances, picking my nose, breathing, SAMNIN meetings, and finally ranting on JR.

Hmm there was some more stuff i probably wanted to say, but my brains low on BATT right now. And ofcoarse I say no to COFFEE [Josh is just waiting for me to submit]. NEVER!!!

I've said all that I needed to so far,


Oh yeah, Jasser my reasons for the lack of intrest in women is purely for its ability to slow me down. I mean, look at you... Nuff said.

Jasser  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 4/4/2004 11:03:10 PM
Hey, its first post. Well you guys all know me as the wanna-be samurai, although i think i could beat josh in a duel. I admit though Jorge has me on the drawing thing. haha well later

Dre  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM
Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes.

We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account.


Comic strip that started it all (Ph34R MY SKILLZ!!)

Maintained by a Neo Tokyo Techie
©2004-09 Josh Ricart, all rights reserved.
I laugh at your misfortune