![]() Josh <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 12/30/2006 11:59:52 AM Message: Reporting from Atlanta... You know, I take a look at this site (and all the others that I pretty much put together) and cannot help thinking to myself that there's much need to updating and upgrading of these websites. A few minor changes can go a long way; letme offer an example: Earlier this month was the first year anniversary for (I'll withhold the name) FT renaissance. A little over a year ago I spent a hell of an all-nighter with a buddy of mine that had a website that needed some updating; this was an informative site created to promote is products. During the time we spent updating his site we made changes to such things as text, image presentation, created some new pages (in an effort to better organize the information), and offer some new features, but foremost important changes was some minor changes made to the layout of the page source to optimize for search engines. As it stands this year has been perhaps his best as he has sold a generous number of units and (having high profit margin) has been very much enjoying this newfound success. People around the world are finding his product through search engines and actually calling and writing to him with interest to purchase. Now then I'm not writing this rant with the intention of proving anything or showing what I may be capable of. The mere truth of the matter is that I look at these sites I manage and notice a lack of updates, flawed design, little optimization, and a plethora of changes needed. The problem lies in that I'm not entirely capable of slaving over a computer those long hours like I used to do and so find it undesirable to make the attempt. The methods by which I get this sort of work done does not allow for multiple sessions either, I must focus on the task and nothing else for hours until I complete whatever section of the project I am working on. Currently I seek incentive to get me back on track with these small projects. I have the ideas for all the changes I could implement, just a lack of initiative to get me going at them. Gentlemen, any recommendations? There's a good change I won't be ranting again till next year, so a happy new year to all and hope to touch base when I get back. ![]() Jorge <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 1/1/2007 11:45:52 AM Message: Hmm, well Josh, motivation is a thing unique to everyone. What gets me to work, most likey wont get you to work. However I've noticed that we do like to work under the same conditions, meaning last-minute-the-night-before-its-due-with-only-a-few-hours-left-and-everyone-is-counting-on-you-to-complete-the-project...(just like all of my highschool stuff). What we don't have is someone that makes you respond that way or makes you accountable. I mean what do you care if I say do this for monday, when you know that I'm in no hurry for anything anyways. Aside from actually getting down to work, I think you have to already have some drive. I mean I dont have to draw. Sometimes I dont want to draw. Its something I'm good at, and it makes me feel good when I feel I've pushed myself or improved. Its one of the few things I have to measure my own achievements. Its not like winning in games or seeing a movie the other guy hasnt first, or knowing more about gundam than anyone I know... Its better. For while I thought that your computer stuff was like my art stuff Josh. And Its possible it is, but since your job involves so much of it, its also possible your bored of it and would rather be doing something else. I know I've had the feeling. Then there's those times you decide you want to work, but you stare at the blank paper and its overwhelming. You begin to over analyse before you've even started. Next thing you know you've distracted yourself and your doing something else altogether. I try to find ways around it. For instance, a blank page can look like a lot of work, and sometimes its good to just dive in without thinking, just to get your hand moving. However, I find myself doing lots of random crap when that happens and nothing usefull will get drawn (as if that ever happens). So I'll draw on notebook paper, becouse the lines make it look like the page is half done anyways. Or I'll look for some colored paper, maby an off-white color, its for some reason alot less intimidating. ![]() Jasser <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 7/11/2005 12:41:56 PM Message: Alright, point taken, but no I'm not dead. Still very much alive...I've actually been wanting a meeting lately. Although they aren't very productive I still have fun. But w/e you guys seem to think I hate them. So yeah hopefully there will be another meeting soon. Oh well I really have nothing to talk about, lately my life has been based around work so I really haven't done much of worth other than that. Well ttyl guys. ![]() Dre <Review Old Rants> Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM Message: Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes. We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account. -Josh |
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