No Seppuku Allowed

Josh  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 2/25/2007 6:25:36 PM
Well I've been up to some research of an entirely different kind. I'm hoping this may assist me with making my escape with a pineapple beverage (browny points to those that make that connection).

I didn't get to meet with the crew as I intended to and I'm a bit mixed as to whether I am pleased with the turnout of this weekend. I'd like to start the recreation of the site under new standards, but having lived the aftermath of working on this new project in the office I'd really like to take some measures to ensure I don't suffer the same consequences (I think Jorge is the only one that has an idea of what I'm talking about).

Gentlemen, I would like to meet with you and there is some urgency to this. I'll leave it at that.

Jorge  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 2/24/2007 9:47:00 PM
Well I finally sat down in front of my PC and decided to make that update.

And so I finally ended up going to the convention. Turned out great, had lots of fun and left with a few things as well. Although at the cost of cutting expences, I took a "bed" on the floor.

Speaking of cutting expences, Josh if Emmy never got the spot filled, let me know and I'll pay the 50, I feel like I still owe him for the trouble.

Anywho, we made it there as early as we could on friday, and saved ourselves from too much time in line. I got my Joruji cosplay going and 4 pictures taken!! *Blush*

Also found the Hyaku Shiki from the Zeta series, and the GM sniper from the 8th MS team. Also got some music CDs. Speaking of CDs, Josh also found a few of his missing albums (he's very cheeky about them). Anywho, left on sunday afternoon, got home at night. Josh stayed till wednesday (on buisness of coarse).

This week I've also been filling in for my mom and dad on their evening job, not fun at all. Aside from all that, I've just found the time to unpack.

Jasser  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 11/13/2005 6:52:26 PM
Yooo... Whats up homies. No one has ranted since our meeting so i figured I would. Josh you need to make that calendar already so we can keep track of deadlines. Jorge needs to start making the chibis for both Andres and Sarai so they could both have their own rant section.

Yes Josh, she does want one so make it happen. Thats all cuz I'm just hurriedly ranting. I've gotta get 3 models built by tuesday and all I have so far are drawings. Later chuches and chuchettes.

Dre  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM
Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes.

We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account.


Comic strip that started it all (Ph34R MY SKILLZ!!)

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