No Seppuku Allowed

Josh  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 11/5/2008 9:30:13 AM
Alright, it has been a brief interlude since last I ranted. First thing I would like to mention is that I saw a cellphone commercial the other day, apparently Samsung's got a new phone they call the "Rant." If I could express distinct verbal apathy in my writing, how marvelous.

The weekend was a memorable, to put it lightly, as Anime SuperCon hit Miami (at the Hilton, downtown). Just about everyone I thought would be interested in going seemed to have other plans or simply not be available when I tried communicating with them (took three days for Jorge). There's an old phrase I do enjoy using for times likes these, 'you miss out, you luck out.'

I intend to write a brief story of the con over at the memoirs site and will post the link as soon as it's up.

Not certain what has been done on the Sam/Nin front, but as I understand it Jorge and Jasser met up last wednesday to discuss the story. I have yet to be informed on the happenings of that meeting. Alley Man is moving slowly, but I am thinking of possibly using personal contacts in an effort to advance with the company, but this is something I will not do lightly (my personal connections are not to be trifled with).

New updates as they become available.

This is me, signing off...

Jorge  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 8/17/2008 2:11:05 PM
Ahh sunday, rest day... Yeah right... today Im gonna plan out what buisness Im gonna have at the dealers room. Most likely a complete manga will not be ready, to the least a first issue, but then It would have to be a paper back or something. Also I have a series of posters and onsite art I want to have ready for sale. I gonna practice my lightning art so that I can do color stuff onsite as well. Custom Chibbis are gonna be a plus (people love chibbis... Dunno why... mabey cuz der CV73) so I can expect a hard days week ahead of me. JOY

Jasser  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 7/21/2007 5:01:23 PM
Oye! I know, I know. Its been a while. No need to point that out Josh-man. At least I have kept in touch.

Hope all is well with the rest of the samnin group.

Jota! When will the episode be finished?!?!

Dre  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 6/8/2008 8:41:26 PM
well well today was a progressive day.... even IF Josh wasn't there ....
though it started up slow it in the end was HIGHLY productive....
we worked on several things that set everything smoothly
we will just see is Josh approves
....til next time

oh and ah like the way Dereu looks now..... nice....
Comic strip that started it all (Ph34R MY SKILLZ!!)

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I laugh at your misfortune