No Seppuku Allowed

Josh  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 5/18/2006 10:52:00 PM
Well the meeting didn't go quite as planned. At the last minute I decided to not present the material I had planned to, so I was left with literally nothing to do. Instead I tried teaching a little of what I learned at the seminar this past weekend.

Can't say this meeting was too much of a success, but I'll be better prepared next time (rest assured on that). If anyone actually applies what I spoke about, then there will be some movement in the group, but I'm not counting on it. I doubt anyone's gonna even remember anything I said, so at this I shrug.

Next meeting will be soon, but remains undefined. Now I'm left with the task of making the preparations for the next meeting and I hadn't the slightest idea when I'll be ready.

That's all for now, just thought I'd share this tidbit. Till next...

Jorge  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 2/15/2006 5:10:05 PM
Jo, its been hard for me to aquire a "free" computer to use for ranting, since I dont have internet yet. Well Josh, it seems that the group has somehow lost touch, and although you may think there isnt progress on the story, I have a script that Ive been meaning to share and a possible prologue... Unfortunately its kind of hard to call josh with out his number memorized... Well Josh, take this as a request for your friday or saturday... Which ever, I just need to present some work.

Jasser  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 6/23/2004 7:42:12 PM
hey guys, well highschool is done and over with and we are all gettin busy getting on with our lives, to anyone else reading this; the best of luck to you all. Josh sorry bout halo night last week, mauricio didnt know how to save a number on his phone while talking on it, and my phone died so i couldnt reach anyone. maybe we can do it again some other time, ill make sure there are no aunts to hang out with. Jorge good luck with your new job, umm wuzup with the film too? I found my shirasaya set in stainless steel for $70 so im ready, just need to buy it, its in black too! w/e get back to me on that, peace...

Dre  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM
Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes.

We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account.

Comic strip that started it all (Ph34R MY SKILLZ!!)

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I laugh at your misfortune