No Seppuku Allowed

Josh  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 9/1/2006 7:30:27 AM
Ah yes, start of a new month and, with the latest plans already in the works, the start of a new way. It's nice to start the month off well, so I'll take advantage of the fact that I'm the first to rant (specially at such an early hour). This morning I woke up at 4:45AM, got to Jorge's place at 5:20 and jogged with Angie for about 20-25 minutes. Went home, showered, and had some toast while checking email. Tell me folks, could life be more simple than that? I think not. Also been thinking about hockey again, haven't felt that good when showering since my old hockey days... but I'm starting to ramble and far too much foreshadowing involved here.

To the topic at hand. It's the start of the new month and a man by the name of Alvaro Vazquez is in California, which means plans to move forward with OpX are slightly thwarted for now (sorry for not spelling this out, but Google will send over traffic I don't want if I spell out). He returns on Wednesday, which means I can crunch some numbers in the meantime and calculate how long it'll take me to accomplish this new track.

On a separate note, I thought I would mention that we are closing in on October and all those that have access to the rant system will notice that we are closing in on the first year of the two year plan for the trip to Japan. I want reflect on the year until we reach October, but I've been witness to a lot of changes. Any way, just a reminder to all, there just a little over a year left before I make my stop in Narita International.

Alright, some basic goals for this month:
  1. Acquire EIN (what for? don't ask)
  2. Present the latest company to everyone (wait, what company?)
  3. Present & implement the latest plans for launch of Sam/Nin (yay)
  4. Find a spot for Dre to rant, or (rather) finally put Dre up to rant (oi vay)
  5. Present open development site for Sam/Nin (big step)
  6. Get Mr Otaku into high gear (it's time for him too)
  7. A lot of non-Sam/Nin related stuff (this one's really good, trust me)
So this is some of the basic points for the goals this month, never to early to start. Until now, we've more or less been following the words of Mr. Twain when he told us: "Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow." We will follow the words of Lord Chesterfield...
"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness; no laziness; no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
However, I will have you know that Train still has some good points (and at this point I'm just verbally vomitting on anyone reading, but I had to put this on in):
"Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be."
By the way, I noticed the first quote wasn't indented, but I didn't want to draw attention as it's a bad way of thinking... you ninnies. Anyway, carry with the rest of your month and make it a productive one. I'll catch you on the down-side, take care all.

Jorge  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 8/8/2006 12:02:47 AM


I now have a bunch of banners. Am still making more since its going to rotate and all I want it to feel original everytime you enter the site. I also want to do some hand made stuff aside from the CPU stuff I've been doing. Its all based on old art right now and a little new stuff too, so I still want some hand drawn stuff thats recent and original-made just for the banners (even if its black and white.).

Ive wasted alot of days and am going to try to catch up on all my projects. Whats holding my painting back is my lack of small brush. I buy em cheap, so my rough treatment kills them early into the works. The comic stuff is waiting for a new scanner, but money has been tight these past two months. Then the CPU stuff takes too long becouse I do it all with a mouse. At least now I've been doing it wil an optic one instead of the ball. Not that I dont like the ball, its just that its a hassel when the damn thing gets dirty (especially around my work desk...)

Guess thats a good enough update on stuff. I await the others in their ranting goodness.

Jasser  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 1/25/2005 12:28:55 AM
Well the lunch thing is a possibility for me now. I go to school tuesdays and thursdays. I have a break between 11:05-12:05 and then my last class ends at 3:20. After my last class I'm free for the day. So I guess we can plan lunch between those times since m,w,f I am at work in my sweat-shop attire so I don't really want to set foot anywhere looking and smelling that way. Plus I only have a half hour of lunch on the days I work. Saturdays I am pretty much always free since I dont have to work so its mostly time for the friends and since you are a friend...there you go. The gaming and the coordinated fight scene also sound like a good idea. I'm down for it whenever you guys are. I'll even bring along the "homies." Jorge that is hardly a rant.

Dre  <Review Old Rants>
Post Date: 4/27/2008 3:53:38 PM
Hey folks, Josh here. This is a filler message until Dre realizes that he's got an account on the website for ranting. I guess until then, this will remain. I suppose I'll offer up a bit of a more formal introduction. The newest member, in the four odd years since I added the ranting system and only individual to penetrate the original triad, Andres "Dre" Redondo. An artist of sorts, he has been associated with the group for years and has assisted in many inventions, as well as whine about not seeing any changes. Warm welcomes.

We'll find out how often he really checks the site as I don't intend to tell him of this new account and await his request for access to his new account.

Comic strip that started it all (Ph34R MY SKILLZ!!)

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I laugh at your misfortune